In a recent incident in Tsim Sha Tsui, a woman who was abducted on Monday afternoon has been found safe and unharmed. The police have successfully arrested three individuals believed to be involved in the crime. The victim, identified as 47-year-old Lui, was discovered in a private vehicle near Heng Yuet House, Heng On Estate in Ma On Shan.
Sources indicate that the police have charged the three suspects with false imprisonment. The Yau Tsim district crime unit is currently handling the case, and a press briefing will be conducted by the police to provide further details.
The incident took place around noon on Monday when Lui was seen smoking an e-cigarette outside a shop on Ichang Street. Suddenly, two men swiftly approached her from either side and forcibly dragged her towards Ashley Road, where they forced her into a black Volkswagen.
In response to the incident, the police launched "Operation Exigent" and deployed officers for a citywide search to locate the victim. Their efforts proved successful, ensuring the woman's safe rescue.
The investigation into the incident is ongoing, and the authorities are working to gather more information about the motive behind the kidnapping and any potential accomplices. The swift action taken by the police in apprehending the suspects has brought relief to the victim and her loved ones.