On September 29, 2024, a significant incident unfolded on Lai Chi Kok Road near Cheung Sha Wan Police Station when a water main burst, leading to a large section of the road collapsing. A taxi passing by was caught off guard and fell into the resulting crevice, tilting precariously as water levels rose. Fortunately, both the driver and passenger managed to escape with only minor injuries.
In response to the emergency, the Water Supplies Department (WSD) promptly suspended water supply from the affected 750mm diameter main to prevent further damage and facilitate urgent repairs. Workers on-site quickly began pumping out the water to prepare for the taxi's extraction using a crane.
The WSD confirmed that the burst pipe had not affected the overall water supply, assuring residents that water quality remained unaffected. Temporary traffic measures have been implemented, with road closures affecting Lai Chi Kok Road towards Mong Kok near Butterfly Valley Road to allow for emergency repairs.
Engineering teams, supported by the police, are diligently working to clear the site. Radar assessments are being conducted to inspect nearby pipelines and determine the cause of the burst, as well as the extent of necessary road repairs. The involved departments are also evaluating additional measures to prevent future incidents.
As road closures and detours remain in effect, impacting multiple bus routes, drivers are advised to seek alternative routes. The WSD has apologized for the inconvenience and is committed to ensuring the safety of road users while working to restore normal traffic flow swiftly.