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Trump is barred from the 2024 Ballot - Colorado Supreme Court rules

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Former US president, Donald Trump. Getty Image

Donald Trump was barred from appearing on Colorado’s presidential primary ballot next year, the state’s Supreme Court ruled Tuesday.

The court determined the 77-year-old former president was ineligible for the White House, citing the US Constitution’s insurrection clause, which led to his removal from the ballot.

It’s the first time in history that Section 3 of the 14 Amendment has been used to disqualify a presidential candidate.

“A majority of the court holds that Trump is disqualified from holding the office of president under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment,” the court wrote in its 4-3 decision.

The ruling is stayed until Jan. 4, or until the US Supreme Court decides on the case.

Trump’s campaign said in a statement it has “full confidence” that the US Supreme Court would quickly side with the ex-president and “finally put an end to these un-American lawsuits.”

His camp also called the decision “completely flawed” and not surprising, noting Colorado’s court is made up of Democratic-appointed justices.

But the court’s majority wrote in their decision that they did not reach the conclusions lightly.

“We are mindful of the magnitude and weight of the questions now before us,” the majority stated. “We are likewise mindful of our solemn duty to apply the law, without fear or favour, and without being swayed by public reaction to the decisions that the law mandates we reach.”

The determination was reached after an earlier ruling by a lower court judge rejected the lawsuit. 

That judge found Trump incited an insurrection after refusing to accept the 2020 presidential election results, but he could not be disqualified because it was not clear if the provision was meant to cover the commander-in-chief.

Colorado’s lawsuit is one of dozens that have been filed across the country to keep Trump from appearing on the ballot again.

Section 3, which has been cited in the legal actions, was meant to prohibit ex-Confederates from getting back into government after the Civil War.

House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik slammed the four justices who ruled against Trump.

“This is unAmerican and Democrats are so afraid that President Trump will win on Nov 5th 2024 that they are illegally attempting to take him off the ballot,” the New York Trump ally said in a statement.

“Like the rest of the unprecedented, constant, and illegal election interference against President Trump, this will backfire and further strengthen President Trump’s winning campaign to Save America.”

Trump kept to his boilerplate campaign remarks and attacks against President Biden and has not yet mentioned the Colorado ballot ruling during a rally in Waterloo, Iowa, Tuesday night.

Trump lost the state’s general election by 13.5 points in 2020. Its Super Tuesday primary is on March 5.

科羅拉多州最高法院裁定川普被禁止參加 2024 年投票


法院援引美國憲法的叛亂條款,裁定這位 77 歲的前總統沒有入主白宮的資格,這導致他被從選票中除名。


「法院大多數人認為,根據第十四修正案第 3 條,川普不具備擔任總統職務的資格,」法院在其 4-3 的裁決中寫道。

該裁決將被擱置至 1 月 4 日,即美國最高法院對此案作出裁決。




「我們注意到現在擺在我們面前的問題的重要性和重要性,」大多數人表示。 “我們同樣牢記我們執行法律的莊嚴義務,沒有恐懼或偏袒,也不會受到公眾對法律要求我們做出的決定的反應的影響。”


該法官認定川普在拒絕接受 2020 年總統選舉結果後煽動叛亂,但不能取消他的資格,因為尚不清楚該條款是否旨在涵蓋這位總司令。


法律訴訟中引用的第 3 條旨在禁止前南部邦聯成員在內戰後重返政府。


這位川普的紐約盟友在聲明中表示:「這是不美國的,民主黨人非常擔心川普總統會在2024 年11 月5 日獲勝,因此他們非法地試圖將他從選票上剔除。”



川普在 2020 年該州大選中以 13.5 個百分點的優勢落敗。該州的超級星期二初選將於 3 月 5 日舉行。




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