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Transgender man who had a mastectomy was found to be 5 months pregnant

The Italian transgender man was in the process of transitioning when found to be five months pregnant.Ermolaev Alexandr/NYP

A transgender man who underwent a mastectomy while transitioning in Italy was found to be five months pregnant — joining a rare group of so-called “seahorse dads.”

The parent-to-be, referred to only as “Marco” in Italian media, already had a breast removal op and was preparing to get rid of the uterus when the pregnancy was discovered at a hospital in Rome, the Telegraph reported.

“Having discovered the pregnancy, the first thing to do is to suspend [hormone] therapy immediately,” Dr. Giulia Senofonte, an endocrinologist, told La Repubblica, the news outlet that first reported it.

The expert on gender therapy warned that the fetus could be at risk.

“If the halting of the therapy is not immediate, there could be consequences, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, which is an important time for the development of the baby’s organs,” Senofonte said.

“It’s difficult to talk about it in abstract terms, but it all depends on the timing of the suspension of the dosages of testosterone that the person is taking,” she added.

High levels of male and female hormones in the parent’s body carry cardiological risk because of possible blood pressure and coagulation problems, Senofonte said, according to the Times of London.

“Hormone therapy blocks the menstrual cycle but it is not a contraceptive. The person can continue to ovulate and, consequently, runs the risk of pregnancy,” she said.

“People dealing with transition usually recommend contraceptive pills that can be used during hormone therapy,” the expert added.

Marco, who is expected to go through with the pregnancy, will be the child’s biological mom but will be registered legally as the dad, according to La Repubblica.

The unusual case — believed to be the first of its kind in Italy — makes him a member of a tiny group of people known as “seahorse dads,” transgender men who carry babies, the Telegraph reported.

The term is derived from the fact that among seahorses, the males carry and give birth to their young.

Italian law permits abortion after 90 days only in the case of serious fetal defects or a significant health risk for the mother — but psychological stress from the unusual maternity could justify a therapeutic abortion, said Matilde Vigneri, a consultant at a gender dysphoria clinic in Palermo.

“If Marco’s pregnancy goes ahead, Marco will find himself to be both a biological mother and legal father,” she said, the Times of London reported.

“It will be a shock. Here same-sex families are still without rights, just imagine a child born in such special circumstances,” Vigneri said.

Toni Brandi, president of Pro Vita e Famiglia, a conservative Catholic foundation, said he hoped Marco would decide to halt his therapy permanently.

“The gender fluidity theory is total madness. It’s against science and nature,” Brandi said. “This case is a challenge for gender theories because it shows a woman is a woman.

“If I perceive myself to be a woman tomorrow, it doesn’t make me capable of bearing a child,” he added.

Several transgender males have given birth in the US, but the case is believed to be unprecedented in Italy.

Source: NYP









「荷爾蒙療法會阻礙月經週期,但它不是避孕藥。 這個人可以繼續排卵,因此有懷孕的風險,」她說。

專家補充說: “處於過渡期的人通常會建議在荷爾蒙治療期間使用的避孕藥。”




巴勒莫一家性別焦慮症診所的顧問馬蒂爾德·維格內裡(Matilde Vigneri) 表示,意大利法律僅在胎兒存在嚴重缺陷或對母親構成重大健康風險的情況下才允許在90 天后墮胎,但不尋常的產婦帶來的心理壓力可能會證明治療性墮胎是合理的...

據《倫敦泰晤士報》報道,她說: “如果馬可繼續懷孕,馬可將發現自己既是親生母親,又是合法父親。”

「這將是一個震驚。 在這裡,同性家庭仍然沒有權利,想像一下在這種特殊情況下出生的孩子,」維涅裡說。

保守派天主教基金會 Pro Vita e Famiglia 主席 Toni Brandi 表示,他希望馬可決定永久停止治療。

「性別流動性理論完全是瘋狂的。 這是違反科學和自然的,」布蘭迪說。 「這個案例對性別理論是一個挑戰,因為它表明女人就是女人。




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