In the early hours of today, a woman in her 40s residing at Chi Tat House in On Tat Estate, Sau Mau Ping, reported to authorities that her 7-year-old daughter was missing. During her investigation, she discovered an open window in the room and was shocked to find her daughter unconscious on the rooftop canopy. Distraught and panicked, she immediately sought help by reporting the incident.
Rescue teams arrived promptly and sadly confirmed that the young girl had tragically passed away. Firefighters carefully brought her body back into the building. Unfortunately, during her fall, she had collided with a gas pipe, causing damage that required the gas company to be called for repairs.
The girl's mother, overwhelmed with grief, needed medical attention and was taken to the hospital for examination. Law enforcement officials examined the scene but did not find any suicide notes. They are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the girl's fall and considering the possibility that it was an accidental incident.
According to reports, the family had recently moved into the residence and consists of a single mother and her two daughters, one in secondary school and the other in primary school. Before the incident, the mother and the younger daughter were sleeping in the living room.
Neighbors have mentioned that they often saw the mother and her children but never observed a male figure in the household. The young girl was described as energetic, often throwing toys onto the street, being loud at home, and occasionally ringing neighbors' doorbells without reason.