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MANILA - A devastating fire burnt a residential complex in the Philippine capital on Thursday, killing a 69-year-old mother and her 42-year-old son, fire officials reported.
The fire broke out around 12:30 a.m. local time and quickly spread throughout the area, according to Fire Chief Eduardo Loon. The firefighters worked tirelessly for nearly three hours and finally put out the fire at around 3 a.m.
Unfortunately, the fire destroyed at least 20 homes and displaced approximately 40 families. The bodies of both victims were found in the bathroom and living room, adding to the immense grief and sorrow of this tragic event.
Authorities have launched an investigation to establish the cause of the fire, with the aim of finding what led to the devastating loss. Determining the source of the fire is critical not only to providing relief to the affected families, but also to taking preventive measures to reduce the risk of similar incidents in the future.
马尼拉 - 据消防官员报道,周四,一场毁灭性大火吞没了菲律宾首都的一座住宅区,造成一名 69 岁的母亲和她 42 岁的儿子死亡。
消防队长爱德华多·卢恩 (Eduardo Loon) 表示,大火于当地时间凌晨 12 点 30 分左右爆发,并迅速蔓延到整个地区。 消防队员不知疲倦地奋战了近三个小时,终于在凌晨3点左右将大火扑灭。
不幸的是,大火烧毁了至少 20 所房屋,并导致约 40 个家庭流离失所。 两名遇难者的尸体在浴室和客厅被发现,增添了这起悲惨事件的巨大悲痛和悲伤。
当局已展开调查以确定火灾原因,旨在找出导致毁灭性损失的原因。 确定火源不仅对于向受影响家庭提供救济至关重要,而且对于采取预防措施以减少未来发生类似事件的风险至关重要。