On the evening of December 29, a devastating fire erupted at The Ember Hotel near Khaosan Road in Bangkok, resulting in the tragic deaths of three foreign nationals and injuries to seven others. Among the deceased is Victor Tuzov, a Ukrainian PhD student from the Media and Communication department at the City University of Hong Kong (CityU). The university’s research group, The Babak Lab, confirmed his passing on January 2.
The fire broke out around 9:21 PM on the fifth floor of the six-storey hotel located on Tanee Road. Eyewitnesses reported that firefighters responded quickly, managing to control the blaze within approximately an hour. A foreign woman died on the fifth floor, while two foreign men, who were severely injured, later succumbed to their injuries in the hospital. The deceased include a Brazilian woman, a Ukrainian man, and an American man.
The Babak Lab described Tuzov as a talented journalist known for his unique perspective in reporting on CityU scholars and professors in the field of bioinorganic chemistry, contributing invaluable insights through his work.
In light of this tragedy, CityU expressed profound sorrow and extended heartfelt condolences to Tuzov’s family. The university is in contact with the family and is dedicated to providing necessary support during this difficult time.
Victor Tuzov had previously studied journalism at Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia and earned a Master’s degree in Journalism from Shanghai International Studies University. He began his PhD studies at CityU in 2020.