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  • Writer's pictureAfriHKa

Three members of a family are hospitalized after an electric heater caught fire and burn their unit

The apartment was on fire after an electric heater flamed. Photo: Facebook.

An aflamed electric heater at an apartment occupied by 3 Hong Kong family members has ended them in the hospital on Wednesday.

The emergency services arrived on the 13th floor of three-bedroom apartment at Mei Foo Sun Chuen housing estate on Humbert Street in Lai Chi Kok at around 7.40 am after distress calls that a unit was on fire.

The firefighters were able to quench the blaze under 20 minutes after the fire had caused a significant damage to the living room where the fire started.

The occupants of the units, the mother who is 59 years old and her two daughters aged 27 and 30 years sustained different kind of injuries.

The woman got bruises on her hand, while her elder daughter said she was feeling sick after smoke inhalation from the fire. The younger daughter said she got a shock and asked for treatment, police said.

The three family members  were later taken to the Princess Margaret Hospital in Kwai Chung for the treatment.

The report said the items in the living room caught fire after the heater burst into flames while the woman and her daughters were in their  bedrooms but they tried to find their way out of the flame before the firefighers came.

The force said that there was no evidence showing that the fire was intentional.

The investigations of the cause of the blaze are ongoing, the report said.



緊急救援人員於早上7時40分左右抵達荔枝角亨伯特街美孚新村屋村三房公寓的13樓。 接到求救訊號表示某個單元著火後。

火災對起火的客廳造成嚴重損壞後,消防隊員在 20 分鐘內將火勢撲滅。


這名婦女的手上有瘀傷,而她的大女兒則表示,她吸入火災產生的煙霧後感到噁心。 警方稱,小女兒說她受到了驚嚇,要求接受治療。






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