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  • Writer's pictureAfriHKa

The Ten Favourite Christmas Season Traditions You Must Not Missed

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

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The Christmas season all around the world is a time like no other. It is a period that people feel happier, full of merriment hearts and ready to express love to others through charity and common gatherings. From Christmas movies to extravagant decorations, people stop at nothing to get in the Christmas spirit. Here are the 10 favourite Christmas season traditions you have to experience.

1. Decorate the tree

Creating a perfect Christmas tree is a classic Christmas activity. Complete with lights, tinsel, baubles and ornaments, Christmas trees are one of the most traditional symbols of the holiday season. Put on some holiday music and gather your family and friends to “deck the halls” as you decorate your tree and get in the Christmas spirit.

2. Bake Christmas cookies

The Christmas season is a time to indulge! A favourite tradition during Christmas is baking and decorating Christmas cookies. It’s typical to use cookie cutters to make sugar cookie dough into holiday shapes like trees, stars, or wreaths. Once the cookies are baked, go crazy with red and green icing and sprinkles to really highlight the holiday season.

3. Write a letter to Santa and the reindeer

Christmas tradition holds that Santa Claus travels all over the world on Christmas Eve to deliver presents to children everywhere. Guided by his trusty team of flying reindeer (most famously, Rudolph), Santa’s sleigh traverses the entire globe all in one night. Many children write letters to Santa to ask for special gifts. The night before Christmas, families leave out letters and cookies for Santa, and carrots for the reindeer. After all, Santa and his team must get hungry with all that travelling

4. Look at the twinkly lights

During the Christmas season, homes are usually transformed into winter wonderlands. Filled with twinkling lights, nativity scenes, Santa figurines and so much more, it’s incredible to look at all the holiday displays. A popular tradition is to walk or drive around the neighbourhood to admire all the beautiful decorations.

5. Build a gingerbread house

Gingerbread is a food that doesn’t get much recognition outside the holiday season. But, it shines bright as the star of an important tradition: building gingerbread houses! You can make your gingerbread from scratch, or buy a kit at the grocery store to make things a little easier. Put your house together and cover it with icing, sprinkles, and gumdrops. You’ll end up with a gorgeous creation that tastes good, too!

6. Sing Christmas carols

The holiday songbook has practically endless amounts of Christmas songs, both classic and modern. All around the world, the age-old holiday tradition of carolling is still done today, although it might not be as popular. But, if you are in the mood to spread some holiday cheer, round up some musical friends and go door-to-door in your neighbourhood singing your favourite carols.

7. Exchange gifts

Giving gifts is a fun and thoughtful way to celebrate the people you love during the Christmas season. There are a variety of popular gift exchanges, like “Secret Santa” or the silly tradition of “white elephant.” For Secret Santa, people each choose a name at random and secretly buy gifts for whoever they’ve chosen. It’s always fun to guess who your Secret Santa is when you receive your gift!

8. Wear an ugly sweater

Dressing up for Christmas parties is one of the best parts of the season. It’s fun to don your very best, complete with sequins and sparkles, hopefully. But, it can be even more fun to show up wearing a hallmark “ugly” Christmas sweater, complete with a silly saying or antiquated embroidery. Hunt for the perfect hideous knit at a thrift store, find one with a festive phrase online, or make your own. Extra points for garland and flashing lights!

9. Watch Christmas movies

When the weather outside is frightful, the best thing to do is settle in with a blanket, a cup of hot cocoa and your favourite Christmas movies. From timeless classics like It’s A Wonderful Life to the hilarious journey of Buddy in Elf, there are so many holiday movies worth watching. Many TV channels even have countdowns to Christmas with a different movie every night.

10. Spend time with the people you love

The Christmas season is the most fun when it is done with cherished friends and family. Whether baking cookies or carolling decorating the tree or snuggling up on the couch with a classic holiday movie, being surrounded by your favourite people makes everything better. No matter what holidays you choose to celebrate, the season is a time to give thanks, reflect on the past year, and spend time with loved ones.


世界各地的聖誕節都是一個與眾不同的時期。 這是一個人們感到更加幸福、充滿歡樂的時期,並準備透過慈善和共同聚會向他人表達愛的時期。 從聖誕電影到奢華的裝飾,人們不遺餘力地融入聖誕氣氛。 以下是您必須體驗的 10 個最喜歡的聖誕節傳統。

1. 裝飾樹

無論您得到的是真樹還是假樹,創造一棵完美的樹都是一項經典的聖誕節活動。 聖誕樹上裝飾著燈光、金屬絲、小玩意和裝飾品,是節日最傳統的象徵之一。 播放一些節日音樂,並聚集您的家人和朋友來“裝飾大廳”,同時裝飾您的聖誕樹並融入聖誕節氣氛。

2. 烤聖誕餅乾

聖誕節是一個盡情享受的時刻! 聖誕節期間最受歡迎的傳統是烘焙和裝飾聖誕餅乾。 通常使用餅乾切割機將糖餅乾麵團製成樹木、星星或花環等節日形狀。 餅乾烤好後,瘋狂地撒上紅色和綠色的糖衣和糖粉,真正凸顯節日氣氛。

3. 寫一封信給聖誕老公公和馴鹿

聖誕節的傳統認為,聖誕老公公在聖誕夜走遍世界各地,為各地的孩子們送禮物。 在他值得信賴的飛行馴鹿團隊(最著名的是魯道夫)的引導下,聖誕老人的雪橇在一夜之間穿越了整個地球。 許多孩子給聖誕老人寫信,要求特別的禮物。 聖誕節前一天晚上,家人會給聖誕老人留下信件和餅乾,並留下胡蘿蔔給馴鹿。 畢竟,聖誕老人和他的團隊一定會因為長途旅行而感到飢餓


在聖誕節期間,房屋通常會變成冬季仙境。 充滿了閃爍的燈光、耶穌誕生的場景、聖誕老人雕像等等,所有的節日展示都令人難以置信。 一個流行的傳統是步行或開車繞著附近欣賞所有美麗的裝飾。

5. 建造薑餅屋

薑餅是一種在節日之外不會得到太多認可的食物。 但是,它作為一個重要傳統的明星閃閃發光:建造薑餅屋! 您可以從頭開始製作薑餅,或者在雜貨店購買一套套件,讓事情變得更容易一些。 把你的房子組裝起來,並用糖霜、糖粉和橡皮糖覆蓋它。 您最終會得到一個味道鮮美的華麗作品!

6. 唱聖誕頌歌

節日歌曲集幾乎有無數的聖誕歌曲,既有經典的,也有現代的。 在世界各地,古老的節日傳統頌歌至今仍在進行,儘管它可能不那麼受歡迎。 但是,如果您想傳播一些節日的歡樂,可以召集一些音樂朋友,挨家挨戶地唱您最喜歡的頌歌。

7. 交換禮物

在節日期間贈送禮物是一種有趣且貼心的方式來慶祝您所愛的人。 有各種流行的禮物交換,例如“秘密聖誕老人”或“白象”的愚蠢傳統。 對於秘密聖誕老人,人們每個人都會隨機選擇一個名字,然後秘密地為他們選擇的人購買禮物。 當您收到禮物時,猜測您的秘密聖誕老人是誰總是很有趣的!

8. 穿一件難看的毛衣

盛裝出席節慶派對是這個季節最好的部分之一。 盡自己所能,穿上亮片和閃閃發光的衣服,這很有趣,希望如此。 但是,穿著一件標誌性的「醜陋」聖誕毛衣出現會更有趣,上面有一句愚蠢的諺語或過時的刺繡。 在舊貨店尋找完美的醜陋針織品,在網路上找到帶有節日短語的針織品,或自己製作。 花圈和閃光燈額外加分!


當外面的天氣很糟糕時,最好的方法就是蓋上毯子,喝杯熱可可,看看你最喜歡的聖誕電影。 從《生活多美好》這樣的永恆經典到《精靈巴迪》的搞笑旅程,有很多節日電影值得一看。 許多電視頻道甚至每晚都會播放不同的電影來進行聖誕節倒數計時。

10. 與你愛的人共度時光

與摯愛的朋友和家人一起度過的聖誕節是最有趣的。 無論是烤餅乾、用頌歌裝飾聖誕樹,還是依偎在沙發上看一部經典的假期電影,被你最喜歡的人包圍會讓一切變得更好。 無論您選擇慶祝哪個節日,這個季節都是表達感謝、回顧過去一年並與親人共度時光的時刻。


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