The new HK$5000 handout in form of consumption vouchers that was announced by the financial secretary, Paul Chan Mo-Po last February would be given out on the 16th of April to every eligible Hong Kong people. The first instalment of HK$3,000 will be disbursed and the remaining value on July 16th.
On the other hand, the people that registered to receive their consumption vouchers handout on the stored value facility account known as "Octopus" would not be able to get the first instalment fully because the disbursement day will be colliding with the monthly public transport fare subsidy which has been around for a while. The transport fare subsidy by the government refunds every month, one-third of the total expense on the Octopus card that exceeds HK$200.
Therefore, the eligible people who will collect new consumption vouchers and pre-existing transport fare subsidy for last month on the same Octopus card would have to expect the maximum amount of HK$3000 as the facility can not hold more. They will need to tap their cards
again on the various devices provided after spending some of the amounts to get the rest of the voucher by September 30th, this year.
財政司司長陳茂波去年二月宣布的新版港幣5000元消費券,將於4月16日派發給所有合資格的香港人。 首期 3,000 港元將於 7 月 16 日支付,餘款將支付。
另一方面,以「八達通」儲值卡戶口登記領取消費券的市民,因派發日與每月公共交通費用補貼相撞,將無法領足首期款項 這已經存在了一段時間。 政府交通費補貼每月退還八達通卡消費總額超過港幣200元的三分之一。
因此,合資格人士以同一張八達通卡領取上個月的新消費券及原有交通費補貼,因設施無法容納更多,預計最高金額為港幣3000元。 他們需要在今年 9 月 30 日之前花費部分金額以獲得剩餘的代金券後,再次在提供的各種設備上刷卡。