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  • Writer's pictureAfriHKa

The Chief Executive of Hong Kong said that there will be 60 more events this year, and one mega event will be held every 2 days

Hong Kong Chief Executive announced on Tuesday that 60 activities have been added to this year’s calendar as one mega event would be happening in the city every two days from next six months.

Among the mega events that will be organised are conferences, sport competitions, artistic and creative activities, trade exhibitions and financial summits and many more.

Mr Lee said that this year’s line-up of 210 mega events anticipated to bring about 1.7 million travellers and would be adding HK$4.3 billion (US$551 million) to the city's economy.

“I’ve mentioned many times that the government will not rely on one way to boost the local economy … the variety of events hosted in Hong Kong will create opportunities for attracting people and fortune,” Chief executive stated prior to his weekly Executive Council meeting.

Chief Executive stated that the events sector had brought 14.62 million incoming trips which were being recorded in the first four months of this year. The level was reported to be twice the number from the same period last year.

He stated further that Hong Kong also recorded more than 80 per cent increase in visitors from the United States, Canada and Indonesia last month, with most doing overnight trips to the city.

He explained that the increase was as a result of  mainland authorities supporting measures that include expanding of solo travellers scheme and eligibility for business visas, alongside the city’s recovering flight capacity.

“The government will play its role as a facilitator and director, while the industry needs to play its own role well, turning popularity into prosperity,” Lee said.

香港行政長官表示,今年將增加 60 場大型活動,每 2 天將舉辦 1 場大型活動

I香港行政長官週二宣布,今年的日曆中增加了 60 項活動,從未來六個月開始,香港將每兩天舉辦一場大型活動。


李先生表示,今年的 210 場大型活動預計將帶來約 170 萬名遊客,並為香港經濟增加 43 億港元(5.51 億美元)。

行政長官在每週一次的行政會議上表示:“我多次提到,政府不會依靠一種方式來提振本地經濟……在香港舉辦的各種活動將創造吸引人和財富的機會。” 。

行政長官表示,今年首四個月,活動部門帶來了1,462萬人次入境旅遊。 據報道,這一數字是去年同期的兩倍。





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