The temperature on Sunday moved up to 34.8°C, breaking 2024 record set yesterday.
The temperature also reached up to 35°C in some parts of the New Territories.
The Hong Kong Observatory Observatory said the subtropical ridge is bringing generally fine and sweltering weather to southeastern China, and the maximum average temperature recorded was 34.8 degrees at around 2.40 pm.
The temperatures as it was recorded at 3pm in the New Territories jumped up to 35°C including Sheung Shui, Tai Po, and Yuen Long.
Waglan Island got as high as 35.7°C, the report said.
According to the latest forecast, the subtropical ridge will weaken slightly in the next couple of days but will remain very hot over the coast of southern China. The weather watchdog noted that a southerly airstream will bring a few showers and thunderstorms to the coastal areas of Guangdong in the middle and latter parts of this week.
The forecaster said further that with subtropical ridge strengthening again, the weather will be generally fine and very hot over southeastern China early next week.
週日氣溫升至 34.8°C,打破了昨天創下的 2024 年最高氣溫紀錄。
報告稱,橫瀾島氣溫高達 35.7°C。
根據最新預測,未來幾天副熱帶高壓脊將略有減弱,但華南沿海仍將非常炎熱。 氣象部門預計,本周中後期,一股偏南氣流將為廣東沿海帶來陣雨、雷暴陣雨。