Singaporean authorities have handed down a jail sentence to a former lecturer who showed a pornographic video to an underage boy in a lift. Kenneth Loh Jiahui, the ex-lecturer, admitted to intentionally causing the 12-year-old victim to view the explicit content, with the intention of arousing and teasing him. Loh followed the boy from a bus stop into the lift of a residential building in Singapore before showing him the obscene video on his mobile phone.
Loh has been sentenced to five months and two weeks' imprisonment for his actions. In addition to the jail term, he has been dismissed from his position as a lecturer at the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) College East, where he taught students between the ages of 17 and 25 at the time of the offense. The victim's identity is protected by a gag order, and therefore, cannot be disclosed.
The court heard that Loh, who was making a delivery in the Pasir Ris area on the evening of June 8, 2023, noticed the victim at a bus stop along Pasir Ris Street 21. Perceiving the boy as an "easy target" due to his small size, Loh decided to engage in inappropriate behavior to elicit a reaction from him. He followed the boy to the lift lobby of a nearby building, where he accessed a pornographic website on his mobile phone and played a video for the victim.
During the elevator ride, Loh continued showing the video to the boy and asked if he had seen such content before. The boy, feeling uncomfortable, turned away and tried to appear occupied with his phone. However, Loh persisted and continued playing the video, even attempting to show it to the boy again when they reached the eighth floor. The victim managed to leave the lift and informed his mother about the incident upon reaching home. The mother immediately contacted the police, leading to Loh's identification and subsequent arrest.
During the sentencing, the prosecution sought a jail term of between five and six months, emphasizing the need for stricter penalties for sexual offenses against minors under the age of 14. District Judge Elton Tan, in his ruling, acknowledged Loh's persistence in committing the wrongdoing and his lack of remorse at the time. The judge highlighted that Loh took advantage of the victim's confined space and limited means of avoiding him.
Defense counsel SS Dhillon argued that Loh's adjustment disorder with depressed mood should be considered as a mitigating factor. However, the judge rejected this argument, stating that the disorder was a normal psychological reaction to life's challenges and did not impair Loh's awareness of the nature and wrongfulness of his actions.
Under Singaporean law, Loh could have faced a maximum penalty of three years' imprisonment and a fine. Ultimately, he was sentenced to a jail term of five months and two weeks. This case serves as a reminder of the seriousness with which Singapore treats sexual offenses, particularly those involving minors.
新加坡當局對一名前教授判處監禁,原因是他在升降機向一名未成年男孩展示了一段色情影片。這名前教授Kenneth Loh Jiahui承認故意讓這名12歲的受害者觀看這段淫穢內容,目的是引起他的興奮和戲弄。Loh在新加坡的一個住宅大樓,在公車站附近跟蹤這名男孩,然後在升降機裡向他展示了這段不雅的影片。
Loh因其行為被判入獄五個月零兩週。除了監禁,他還被解雇了他在技術教育學院東校區(ITE College East)的講師職位,他在犯罪行為發生時教授年齡在17至25歲的學生。受害者的身份受到禁止透露的命令保護,因此不能公開。
法庭聽到Loh在2023年6月8日晚上在Pasir Ris地區進行交貨時,注意到這名受害者在Pasir Ris Street 21的公車站上。Loh認為這名男孩由於體型小而是一個“易攻擊目標”,於是他決定從事不當行為以引起他的反應。他跟蹤這名男孩到附近大樓的升降機大堂,在那裡他使用手機訪問了一個色情網站並播放了一段影片給受害者觀看。
在判刑期間,檢察官要求判處Loh五至六個月的監禁,強調對於對不滿14歲的未成年人的性侵犯需要更嚴厲的刑罰。地方法官Elton Tan在判決中承認Loh在犯罪行為中的堅持表明他對錯誤行為的一種承諾,並且在當時缺乏悔意。法官強調Loh利用受害者的狹小空間和有限的逃避手段來進行行為。
辯護律師SS Dhillon主張應將Loh的調適障礙與抑鬱情緒作為減輕的因素考慮。然新加坡法律下,Loh最高可面臨三年監禁和罰款的刑罰。最終,他被判入獄五個月零兩週。這個案件提醒人們新加坡對性侵犯特別是涉及未成年人的性侵犯問題的嚴重態度。