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Sean Combs was arrested in Manhattan after a grand jury indictment and denied bail

Diddyis accused of forcing women to have sex with male prostitutes.

Sean Combs, popularly known as P.Diddy, the embattled music mogul whose career has been overturned by sexual assault lawsuits and a federal investigation, was arrested at a Manhattan hotel on Monday evening after a grand jury indicted him.

A statement from Mr Combs’s legal team said they were disappointed with the decision to prosecute him and noted that he had been cooperative with the investigation and had “voluntarily relocated to New York last week in anticipation of these charges.”

“Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs is a music icon, self-made entrepreneur, loving family man and proven philanthropist who has spent the last 30 years building an empire, adoring his children and working to uplift the Black community,” the statement said. “He is an imperfect person but he is not a criminal.”

Damian Williams, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, said in a statement posted on social media late Monday that “we expect to move to unseal the indictment in the morning and will have more to say at that time.”

Mr Agnifilo said Mr Combs had been arrested by officers with Homeland Security Investigations at about 8:30 p.m. at the hotel where he was staying, the Park Hyatt New York on 57th Street. It is expected he will be held overnight and then arraigned on Tuesday.

The arrest of Mr. Combs makes him the highest-profile figure in the music world to face criminal charges for sexual misconduct since R. Kelly, the R&B singer who, after trials in New York and Chicago, was sentenced to more than 30 years in prison for child sex crimes, sex trafficking and racketeering.

Mr Combs, 54, who is also known as Diddy and Puff Daddy, was a key figure in the global rise of hip-hop as a commercial force in the 1990s and 2000s, helping to make stars of rappers and R&B singers like the Notorious B.I.G. and Mary J. Blige. But he has been under intense public scrutiny since a former girlfriend, Casandra Ventura, filed a lawsuit last November accusing him of years of sexual and physical abuse.

Mr Combs settled the suit with Ms Ventura — an R&B singer known as Cassie, who had been signed to Mr Combs’s record label — in one day and denied any wrongdoing. But legal pressure mounted over the next nine months, with the filing of five lawsuits by women alleging sexual assault and three other sexual misconduct suits, all of which Mr Combs’s lawyers are fighting in court.

However, Sean Combs was denied bail on Tuesday after pleading not guilty to charges of sex trafficking, racketeering conspiracy and transportation to engage in prostitution.

In a federal indictment unsealed on Tuesday, Mr Combs, 54, was described as the boss of a yearslong criminal enterprise that threatened and abused women, coercing them to participate against their will in drug-fueled orgies with male prostitutes and threatening them with violence or the loss of financial support if they refused.


肖恩·庫姆斯(Sean Combs),俗稱P.Diddy,是一位陷入困境的音樂大亨,他的職業生涯因性侵犯訴訟和一項聯邦調查而被推翻。提出起訴後,他在曼哈頓的一家旅館被捕。


聲明中寫道:「『吹牛老爹』肖恩·庫姆斯是一位音樂偶像、白手起家的企業家、熱愛家庭的男人和久經考驗的慈善家,他在過去30 年裡建立了一個帝國,熱愛他的孩子們,並致力於提升黑人社區的水平。 “他是一個不完美的人,但他不是罪犯。”

紐約南區聯邦檢察官達米安威廉斯(Damian Williams)週一晚間在社群媒體上發布的聲明中表示,「我們預計將在早上啟封起訴書,屆時會有更多內容要說。 」

阿格尼菲洛表示,庫姆斯先生於晚上 8 點 30 分左右被國土安全調查人員逮捕。 他下榻的飯店是位於 57 街的紐約柏悅酒店。 預計他將被關押過夜,然後在週二受審。

庫姆斯先生的被捕使他成為自 R&B 歌手 R. Kelly 以來,音樂界因性行為不端而面臨刑事指控的最高調人物。關押兒童性犯罪、性販運和敲詐勒索的監獄。

54 歲的庫姆斯先生也被稱為“吹牛老爹”和“吹牛老爹”,他是20 世紀90 年代和2000 年代嘻哈音樂作為商業力量在全球崛起的關鍵人物,幫助說唱歌手和R&B 歌手(如Notorious)成為明星。 和瑪麗·J·布萊姬。 但自從前女友卡桑德拉·文圖拉 (Casandra Ventura) 去年 11 月提起訴訟,指控他多年來遭受性虐待和身體虐待以來,他一直受到公眾的密切關注。

庫姆斯先生一天後與文圖拉女士(一位名叫卡西的 R&B 歌手,已與庫姆斯先生的唱片公司簽約)達成和解,並否認有任何不當行為。 但在接下來的九個月裡,法律壓力不斷加大,女性提起了五起性侵犯訴訟,還有另外三起不當性行為訴訟,庫姆斯的律師正在法庭上對所有這些訴訟進行抗辯。

然而,肖恩·庫姆斯 (Sean Combs) 對性交易、敲詐勒索陰謀和運送賣淫的指控不認罪,週二被拒絕保釋。

在周二公佈的一份聯邦起訴書中,54 歲的庫姆斯被描述為犯罪企業的老闆,該企業已持續多年,威脅和虐待女性,強迫她們違背自己的意願與男妓進行毒品狂歡,並以暴力威脅她們如果他們拒絕,就會失去經濟支持。


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