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Writer's pictureAfriHKa

Rotating Detonation Ramjet Engine Set to Enable Hypersonic Travel by 2025

Venus Aerospace has unveiled its innovative Venus Detonation Ramjet 2000 lb Thrust Engine (VDR2), designed to propel aircraft at hypersonic speeds. This development, revealed at the recent Up.Summit in Bentonville, Arkansas, addresses one of the main challenges in achieving practical hypersonic flight: the need for engines that can sustain high thrust levels.

Traditionally, hypersonic systems rely on glide bodies that are launched to altitude and speed via rockets, then glide back to lower altitudes at speeds exceeding Mach 5. However, for commercial air travel—like a one-hour flight from San Francisco to Tokyo—engine technology akin to conventional jet engines is essential.

The VDR2 is strikingly simple in design, resembling an empty tube without moving parts. Unlike traditional jet engines that compress incoming air using spinning turbine blades, the VDR2 functions as a ramjet, compressing air through the engine's forward motion.

This ramjet design is particularly advantageous for hypersonic flight, as it can withstand much higher temperatures—up to 2,130 °C (3,860 °F)—without the risk of melting components, a significant drawback for conventional engines.

Taking this technology further, the VDR2 incorporates a Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine (RDRE). This system utilizes two coaxial cylinders with a gap in between, where a fuel-oxidizer mixture is injected and ignited. If configured correctly, the resulting detonation creates a supersonic shock wave that travels within the gap, generating additional heat and pressure.

Developed in collaboration with Velontra, this low-drag engine promises high thrust and efficiency, enabling aircraft to reach speeds of up to Mach 6 and altitudes of 170,000 ft (52,000 m). Venus Aerospace projects that the VDR2 will be 15% more efficient than traditional engines if design goals are met.

Andrew Duggleby, CTO of Venus Aerospace, expressed optimism about the VDR2, stating, "This engine makes the hypersonic economy a reality." The company anticipates the first test flight of the VDR2 in a drone next year, marking a significant step towards revolutionizing high-speed flight.


Venus Aerospace 最近推出了其創新的 Venus Detonation Ramjet 2000 磅推力引擎(VDR2),旨在推動飛機以超音速速度飛行。在最近的 Up.Summit 會議上,這項技術的揭示解決了實現實用超音速飛行的一個主要挑戰:需要能夠持續提供高推力的引擎。


VDR2 的設計簡單,外觀像一個沒有活動部件的空管。與傳統噴氣引擎使用旋轉渦輪葉片壓縮進入的空氣不同,VDR2 作為一個拉姆噴氣引擎,通過引擎向前運動來壓縮空氣。


VDR2 還進一步整合了旋轉爆震火箭引擎(RDRE)。該系統使用兩個同軸圓柱體,中間有一個間隙,將燃料和氧化劑混合物注入並點燃。如果配置得當,隨之而來的爆炸會產生一個超音速的震波,在間隙內傳播,產生額外的熱量和壓力。

這款低阻力引擎與 Velontra 合作開發,承諾提供高推力和效率,使飛機能夠以高達6馬赫的速度和170,000英尺(52,000米)的高度飛行。如果設計目標得以實現,Venus Aerospace 預計 VDR2 的效率將比傳統引擎提高15%。

Venus Aerospace 的首席技術官 Andrew Duggleby 表示對 VDR2 感到樂觀,稱:“這款引擎使超音速經濟成為現實。”該公司預計 VDR2 將在明年進行無人機的首次試飛,標誌著向高速度飛行革命邁出重要一步。


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