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Rents Set Below HK$2,500 for 70% of Units in Two New Public Housing Estates

Writer's picture: AfriHKa AfriHKa

On September 26, it was announced that nearly 70% of the apartments in two new public rental housing (PRH) estates will be rented out for less than HK$2,500 per month. The Housing Authority revealed that rents for a total of 2,551 new units in Kwun Tong and Sheung Shui will be priced at the most advantageous rates for their respective districts.

In urban areas, the rent for 1,088 flats in Kin Yan House and Moon Yan House at Hiu Yan Estate in Kwun Tong will be set at HK$104.4 per square meter. Meanwhile, the 1,463 flats in Fu Pak House and Kam Yuk House at Choi Shek Estate in Sheung Shui will have a monthly rent of HK$74 per square meter.

The authority emphasized that these rents are heavily subsidized and include expenses such as rates, management fees, and maintenance costs. Additionally, applicants who are allocated new flats but find the rent unaffordable may request refurbished flats at lower rents or seek assistance through the Rent Assistance Scheme.






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