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Racist driver fined for insulting an Indian passenger

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A Singaporean private-hire car driver has been fined $3,000 for making racist remarks towards a passenger during a dispute over the drop-off location.

The incident, which was recorded by the passenger and shared on social media, involved the driver shouting racially offensive comments at her. The driver, Peh Boon Hua, pleaded guilty to the charge of using insulting words causing distress under the Protection from Harassment Act.

The victim, who booked the ride through the Tada app, had set the drop-off location incorrectly due to a malfunction in the application. Peh was unable to locate the correct location, leading to an argument and the subsequent racist remarks.

The victim felt deeply offended and unsafe because of the driver's behavior. Peh's insulting language targeted not only the victim but also her young daughter, who was present in the vehicle. However, Peh had no prior criminal record and showed remorse by pleading guilty, leading to a fine rather than a more severe penalty.

Tada, the ride-hailing company, suspended Peh and permanently barred him from working as a driver for the company.


一名新加坡私人出租车司机因在下车地点发生争执时对乘客发表种族主义言论而被罚款 3,000 美元。

该事件由乘客录制并在社交媒体上分享,其中司机对她大喊种族歧视言论。 司机白文华 (Peh Boon Hua) 根据《骚扰保护法》承认使用侮辱性言语造成痛苦的指控。

受害者通过 Tada 应用程序预订了行程,由于应用程序出现故障,她设置了错误的下车地点。 Peh无法找到正确的位置,导致了一场争论以及随后的种族主义言论。

由于司机的行为,受害者感到深深的冒犯和不安全。 白的侮辱性语言不仅针对受害者,还针对车内她年幼的女儿。 然而,白先生没有犯罪记录,并通过认罪表示悔罪,最终被处以罚款,而不是更严厉的处罚。

叫车公司 Tada 暂停了 Peh 的职务,并永久禁止他担任该公司的司机。


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