On July 19, correctional officers of Hei Ling Chau Correctional Institution in Hong Kong stopped four male prisoners aged between 22 and 40 from fighting. The incident happened at 9.35 pm in a dormitory, and officers immediately called for reinforcements to help stop the quarrel.
During the fight, three prisoners suffered injuries. Medical staff at the facility examined and treated the wounded prisoners, two of whom were transferred to public hospitals for further treatment. The third inmate did not require hospital treatment, while the fourth was unhurt.
The case has been handed over to the police for investigation. Four inmates involved in the incident were sentenced to prison terms for various offences, including wounding with intent, forcible detention for ransom, and trafficking in dangerous drugs.
7月19日,香港喜灵洲惩教所惩教人员制止了四名年龄在22岁至40岁之间的男性囚犯打斗。 事件发生在晚上9点35分,发生在宿舍,民警立即呼叫增援,帮助制止争吵。
在战斗中,三名囚犯受伤。 该设施的医务人员检查和治疗了受伤的囚犯,其中两人被转移到公立医院接受进一步治疗。 第三名囚犯不需要住院治疗,第四名囚犯则没有受伤。
目前案件已移交警方调查。 参与该事件的四名囚犯因故意伤人、强行拘留勒索赎金、贩运危险毒品等罪名被判处有期徒刑。