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Writer's pictureAfriHKa

LCSD Issues Strong Warning Against Pitch Trespassing at Inter Miami Game

Updated: Feb 5

The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) has expressed its strong condemnation towards spectators who trespassed on the pitch during the open training session of Inter Miami Hong Kong at the Hong Kong Stadium. The department stated that these individuals disregarded public safety and player well-being, causing chaos at the venue.

In an official statement, the LCSD emphasized that such behavior is a violation of regulations and urged fans to remain in their designated seats during Sunday's match between Inter Miami and a select Hong Kong eleven, which will also take place at the stadium. The department solemnly reminded spectators not to trespass on the pitch area and cause any nuisance.

The LCSD sternly warned that strict actions would be taken against anyone who breaks the rules, including expulsion from the stadium and reporting to the police.

During the open training session, Inter Miami, featuring superstar Lionel Messi, attracted a large crowd of fans. Prior to the session, the club's co-owner, former England star David Beckham, was introduced to the audience. The event included a community coaching session and was attended by Deputy Chief Secretary Warner Cheuk, who extended a warm welcome to the Major League Soccer team on behalf of the Hong Kong government.

"It's absolutely fantastic to see so many football lovers here today in the stadium," said Cheuk. "I can see and hear your excitement coming to the stadium to watch the open training of Inter Miami CF team. First of all, on behalf of the Hong Kong government, may I extend a very warm welcome to the Inter Miami CF team. Welcome to Hong Kong."

In addition to local fans, enthusiasts from mainland China and overseas also flocked to the venue to witness the Inter Miami team, which boasts other renowned players such as Luis Suarez, Jordi Alba, and Sergio Busquets.


康樂及文化事務署(LCSD)對於在香港大球場舉行的國際邀請賽中,球迷闖入圍場觀看的行為表示強烈譴責。LCSD 警告這些球迷無視公眾安全和球員福祉,導致場內混亂。

在一份聲明中,LCSD 強調這種行為違反了相關規定,並敦促球迷在本周日的國際邀請賽中保持在指定座位上。該署郑重提醒球迷不得闖入圍場區域並造成任何困擾。

LCSD 嚴厲警告,對於任何違反規定的人,將採取嚴厲措施,包括驅逐出場並向警方報案。

在國際邀請賽的公開訓練中,由超級巨星 Lionel Messi 領銜的 Inter Miami 隊吸引了大批球迷。在訓練前,該俱樂部的共同所有人、前英格蘭球星 David Beckham 被引見給觀眾。活動還包括社區教練課程,並有副政務司司長 Warner Cheuk 出席,代表香港政府向這支美國職業足球大聯盟(MLS)球隊表示熱烈歡迎。

Cheuk 表示:“今天在球場見到這麼多熱愛足球的球迷,真是太棒了!我可以看到和聽到你們來到球場觀看 Inter Miami CF 隊的公開訓練時所散發的興奮。首先,我代表香港政府向 Inter Miami CF 隊表示熱烈歡迎。歡迎來到香港。”

除了本地球迷外,還有來自中國內地和海外的愛好者湧向球場觀看這支 Inter Miami 隊,該隊還擁有其他知名球員,如 Luis Suarez、Jordi Alba 和 Sergio Busquets。


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