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Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts, killing 11 climbers; 12 missing

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JAKARTA - Eleven climbers were found dead in Indonesia on Monday and 12 were missing after the Marapi volcano erupted in West Sumatra, a rescue official said, as search operations - which were halted temporarily over safety concerns - resumed.

Three survivors were found on Monday along with the bodies of the 11 climbers, out of 75 who were in the area at the time of Sunday's eruption, said Jodi Haryawan, spokesperson for the search and rescue team, adding they were all local climbers.

"We have continued to search for the 12 missing climbers until this evening. We have not decided when we are going to stop the operation," Jodi said in a phone call, adding they would continue evacuating the three survivors and bodies of climbers.

There were 49 climbers evacuated from the area earlier on Monday and many were being treated for burns, Jodi said.

It took around four to six hours to evacuate one dead body from the volcano, Jodi said, adding: "It's very difficult."

The 2,891 metre (9,485 ft) high volcano spewed ash as high as 3 km into the sky on Sunday.

Marapi is one of the most active volcanoes on Sumatra island and its most deadly eruption was in April 1979, when 60 people were killed. This year, it erupted between January and February and was spewing ash around 75 metres-1,000 metres from the peak.

Authorities raised the alert to the second-highest level and prohibited residents from going within 3 km of the crater.

Video footage showed a huge cloud of volcanic ash spread widely across the sky, and cars and roads covered with ash.

A small eruption on Monday morning prompted the search to be temporarily suspended for a few hours. The eruption spewed volcanic ash around 800 metres high.

Indonesia sits on the Pacific's so-called "Ring of Fire" and has 127 active volcanoes, according to the volcanology agency.

Source: Reuters

印度尼西亚马拉皮火山爆发,造成11名登山者死亡; 12人失踪

路透雅加达12月4日 - 一名救援官员表示,西苏门答腊岛马拉皮火山爆发后,周一印度尼西亚发现11名登山者死亡,12人失踪,因安全问题暂时停止的搜救行动已恢复。

搜救队发言人 Jodi Haryawan 表示,周一发现了三名幸存者以及 11 名登山者的尸体,周日火山喷发时该地区有 75 名登山者,并补充说他们都是当地登山者。


乔迪说,周一早些时候,有 49 名登山者从该地区撤离,许多人因烧伤正在接受治疗。


周日,这座海拔 2,891 米(9,485 英尺)的火山向天空喷出高达 3 公里的火山灰。

马拉皮火山是苏门答腊岛上最活跃的火山之一,最致命的一次喷发发生在 1979 年 4 月,当时造成 60 人死亡。 今年,它在 1 月至 2 月期间喷发,喷出火山灰距离山顶约 75 米至 1,000 米。



周一早上的一次小规模喷发导致搜寻工作暂停了几个小时。 火山喷发喷出约800米高的火山灰。

据火山学机构称,印度尼西亚位于太平洋所谓的“火环”上,拥有 127 座活火山。


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