The Hong Kong Lunar New Year will be warm and humid over the holiday, but the mercury is expected to drop again early next week, the Hong Kong Observatory said.
According to the Hong Kong Observatory, the winter monsoon would continue to bring fine and cold weather to the coast of southern China on Tuesday when the temperatures in most districts dipped to around 11°C (52, ) in the morning.
On Lunar New Year’s Day on Wednesday, the temperature could range between 13 and 18 degrees, with chilly conditions expected in the New Territories in the morning, according to the forecaster.
“There will be a significant change midweek, as a strong easterly airstream will soon replace the monsoon,” Tong Yu-fai, senior scientific officer of the forecaster, told a radio programme.
“As the easterlies strengthen, it will become cloudier on the second and third day of the Lunar New Year. The temperatures will rise due to the easterly airstream.”
From Thursday to Saturday, the temperatures are expected to rise to between 15 and 22 degrees. It will be relatively humid over the coastal areas.
Under the influence of the northeast monsoon, temperatures over southern China are expected to fall again and reach around 13 degrees early next week.
據預報員稱,週三農曆大年初一,氣溫可能在 13 至 18 度之間,預計新界早上會有寒冷天氣。
「隨著東風加強,大年初二、初三天氣將變得更加多雲。 由於偏東氣流,氣溫將會上升。
從週四到週六,氣溫預計將升至 15 至 22 度。 沿海地區將會相對潮濕。