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Hong Kong’s English proficiency index ranks 4th in Asia, behind Singapore, Philippines and Malaysia

Writer's picture: AfriHKaAfriHKa

Updated: Nov 11, 2023

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Hong Kong is ranked fourth in the Asia English proficiency index following Singapore, the Philippines, and Malaysia.

According to the latest Education First (EF) release of the English Proficiency Index on Wednesday (8th of November, 2023). The indicator surveyed the data from 2.2 million who were non-native English speakers and examined the tendency in English proficiency across 113 countries and regions.

Hong Kong is ranked 29th worldwide with an English Proficiency Index score of 558. The level was stated to belong to the "High Proficiency" category and situated the city into a fourth in Asia this year.

Singapore's EPI score is the highest with 631 and champions the list in Asia, followed by the Philippines (578) and Malaysia (568). 

China is 82nd in the world, with Beijing having 514 marks and Shanghai 512. Macau ranks lower with a score of 502, at a level similar to Nanjing.

In addition, the survey revealed that English proficiency significantly dropped among Hong Kong's people from age 18 to 20, a trend from 2020 to 2022. This is in line with the global trend - which may reflect the impact of the pandemic on students' learning progress, the report said.

The survey said although there have been signs of recovery in 2023, the overall English proficiency of the concerned age group has already fallen back to the level of 2017.

The survey also noted the age group with the best English proficiency in the city falls between 31 to 40 years old.

Education First said that English proficiency in various age groups in China has significantly declined since 2020, with no signs of slowing down. 

According to the data, China's English proficiency improved significantly from 2015 to 2020, reaching the "Moderate" band at one point. However, the latest overall score in 2023 is 464, falling back the "Low" band.



根據週三(2023 年 11 月 8 日)教育第一 (EF) 發布的最新英語熟練度指數。 該指標調查了220萬名非英語母語者的數據,並考察了113個國家和地區的英語能力趨勢。




此外,調查也顯示,2020年至2022年的趨勢顯示,18歲至20歲的香港人的英語程度顯著下降。 報告稱,這符合全球趨勢,可能反映了疫情對學生學習進度的影響。


調查還指出,該市英語能力最高的年齡層在 31 歲至 40 歲之間。

Education First表示,自2020年以來,中國各年齡層的英語水平均顯著下降,且沒有放緩的跡象。

數據顯示,2015年至2020年,中國的英語程度顯著提高,一度達到「中等」水準。 然而,2023 年的最新總分是 464,回落到「低」區間。



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