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Hong Kong jailed first person in possession of banned cannabidiol products

Writer: AfriHKaAfriHKa

Hong Kong convicted a 32-year-old woman over keeping the prohibited cannabidiol (CBD) which made it the first of its kind. She was sentenced to two months in jail by West Kowloon Court on Friday.

Bui Yvan Nguyen was arrested at the Hong Kong International Airport on the 29th of March on her journey from the US. Customs officers found two bottles of personal care products containing 5g of CBD components in her bag while searching. It was also found that 2.2g of prohibited Ketamine was hidden in a glass container and 10 syringes.

The Customs and Excise Department has welcomed the sentence. “The custodial sentence reflects the seriousness of the offence and serves as a clear warning to the general public,” the Customs spokesperson said.

Earlier, Hong Kong authorities announced that the possession of the products containing CBD, derived from cannabis would be a crime which became effective on February 1, 2023. There was an indication that those bringing goods from other countries would not be exempted.

The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of HK$1 million and imprisonment for seven years.

Likewise, anyone who owns equipment meant for using dangerous drugs commits a criminal offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of HK$10,000 and three years imprisonment.


週五,香港對一名 32 歲女子因持有違禁大麻二酚 (CBD) 被定罪,這是此類案件的首例。 她被判處兩個月監禁


裴伊万·阮 (Bui Yvan Nguyen) 於 3 月 29 日從美國出發,在香港國際機場被捕。 海關人員在搜查時,在她的包裡發現了兩瓶含有5克CBD成分的個人護理品。 警方還發現,一個玻璃容器內藏有2.2克違禁氯胺酮和10支注射器。

香港海關對這一判決表示歡迎。 海關發言人表示:“監禁判決反映了罪行的嚴重性,也是對公眾的明確警告。”


一經定罪,最高刑罰為罰款港幣 100 萬元及監禁七年。 任何擁有用於使用危險藥物的設備的人均構成刑事犯罪。 一經定罪,最高刑罰為罰款港幣一萬元及監禁三年。



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