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Hong Kong Express Airlines' offer of free round-trip tickets to successful applicants commences

Writer: AfriHKaAfriHKa

Hong Kong Express Airlines is starting to giveaway free round-trip tickets today to the residents of Hong Kong. This is part of the efforts to revive the economy and the depressing state of tourism in the city.

The offer starts at 10.30 am, the 11th of July to destinations in Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam and Taiwan and more with 21,626 complimentary tickets. It ends on the 24th of July and it is on a first-come, first-served basis which is subject to availability.

However, anyone who succeeds in booking a ticket will be ready to pay all taxes, surcharges and any other necessary fees.

There are different answers to the possible questions that may be asked by the applicants on the website.

According to HK Express, the campaign aimed to encourage “persons ordinarily residing in Hong Kong… to experience the joy of travel via flying to worldwide destinations".


香港快運航空今天開始向香港居民免費贈送來回機票。 這是振興該市經濟和旅遊業低迷狀態的努力的一部分。

該優惠從 7 月 11 日上午 10 點 30 分開始,飛往日本、韓國、泰國、越南和台灣等地,共提供 21,626 張免費機票。 活動將於 7 月 24 日結束,先到先得,售完即止。






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