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HK Express Announces Over 19,000 Free Round-Trip Tickets for Hong Kong Residents

Writer's picture: AfriHKa AfriHKa

HK Express took to social media, specifically their official Facebook page, to make the exciting announcement. The airline revealed that the tickets will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, allowing participants to explore a variety of popular destinations.

In order to participate, interested individuals are required to leave a comment on the announcement post on HK Express' Facebook page. Participants are encouraged to indicate the destinations they notice in the provided image. Moreover, if the comment count reaches 500, the airline has promised to release the full list of destinations and provide additional details about the event ahead of schedule. As of the time of reporting, the number of comments has already exceeded 3,600, indicating a high level of interest and anticipation.

It is important to note that each participant is eligible to win only one round-trip ticket, as the quantity is limited. However, the complimentary tickets do not cover applicable taxes, fees, and additional charges, which participants will be responsible for. It is also worth mentioning that this promotion is not available through the HK Express mobile application.

Aspiring travelers in Hong Kong have eagerly awaited this opportunity to embark on a journey to various Asian destinations, courtesy of HK Express. The airline's initiative aims to provide residents with a chance to explore new places and enjoy the thrill of travel at no cost.

The "Fly for Free" campaign organized by HK Express has generated significant buzz and excitement among the local community. With over 19,000 free round-trip tickets up for grabs, residents are encouraged to seize this unique opportunity and fulfill their travel dreams.


HK Express喺社交媒體上,特別係佢哋嘅官方Facebook專頁,發佈咗呢個令人興奮嘅公告。航空公司透露,呢啲機票將會以先到先得嘅方式派發,參加者有機會去探索多個熱門目的地。

想參加嘅人需要喺HK Express嘅Facebook專頁上留言。參加者被鼓勵喺留言中指出佢哋注意到嘅目的地。而且,如果留言數量達到500個,航空公司承諾會提前公佈全部目的地嘅完整清單,同時提供有關活動嘅額外詳情。根據報導時嘅情況,留言數量已經超過3600個,顯示出高度嘅興趣同期待。

值得注意嘅係,每位參加者只有機會贏取一張來回機票,因為數量有限。然而,免費機票唔包括稅費同其他費用,參加者需要自行負擔。另外值得一提嘅係,呢個優惠冇法喺HK Express嘅手機應用程式度使用。

香港嘅旅遊愛好者一直等待緊呢個機會,可以由HK Express免費去各個亞洲目的地旅行。呢個航空公司嘅活動旨在為香港居民提供探索新地方同享受免費旅行的機會。

HK Express嘅「免費飛行」活動喺當地社區中引起了相當大嘅關注同興奮。超過19,000張免費來回機票等緊居民去把握呢個獨特嘅機會,實現佢哋嘅旅遊夢想。


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