A devastating fire broke out at New Lucky House on Jordan Road, resulting in a No. 3 alarm situation. Tragically, five individuals lost their lives, and more than 36 people sustained injuries. The fire originated in the lobby area on the first and second floors, which housed a fitness center and several licensed guesthouses.
A distressing video shared on the social media platform Xiao Hong Shu captured the harrowing moments of the incident. The footage showed four individuals, believed to be guests of the first-floor guesthouse, desperately seeking help from the windows. One person was seen perched on the air conditioner, while others struggled to breathe due to the thick smoke, causing them to cough uncontrollably. Firefighters were on the scene, providing reassurance and assistance.
Efforts were quickly made to rescue the trapped individuals. Firefighters deployed a ladder, aiming to reach the guests in need. However, by the time the ladder reached the guesthouse, it was empty, signifying that the occupants had already been evacuated to safety.
An eyewitness account shared on Xiao Hong Shu revealed a woman's chilling scream that caught the attention of nearby pedestrians. When they turned around, they saw a South Asian woman dressed in yellow clinging to the window ledge of a lower-level unit in the building. Desperately waving her hands and shouting for help, the woman was clearly in distress. The witness initially suspected a robbery but soon realized the extent of the situation upon smelling the thick smoke and witnessing black smoke billowing from the top of the building. Multiple windows of the building displayed people waving for assistance. Within a matter of minutes, firefighters, paramedics, and police arrived, swiftly dividing their efforts between rescuing individuals and extinguishing the fire.
This incident serves as a reminder of the bravery and dedication of our emergency responders who put their lives on the line to save others. The investigation into the cause of the fire is ongoing, and authorities will work to ensure the safety and well-being of residents and guests in the aftermath of this tragic event.