A middle aged man attempted suicide at the New Town Plaza in Shatin yesterday. He was seen standing on a beam which is located on the seventh floor of the mall. Firefighters arrived at the scene after being informed.

According to the source, "the man claimed to be having suicidal thoughts". The information got to the attention of the authorities that later found him on the seventh floor of the mall, walking onto a beam.
It was said that the man is from mainland China and had difficulties overcoming personal matters in Hong Kong.
He eventually calmed down after a lot of persuasion. The firefighters positioned rescue cushions below for a safe landing.
If you or someone you know has suicidal thoughts, help is available. Dial 2896 0000 for The Samaritans or 2382 2007 for Suicide Prevention Services.
如果您或您認識的人有自殺念頭,可以尋求幫助。撥打 2896 0000 聯繫 The Samaritans 或撥打 2382 2007 聯繫自殺預防服務。