Two pilots from the Philippine Navy tragically lost their lives in a helicopter crash near a public market in Cavite city, south of Manila. The incident occurred during a training flight at approximately 6 am. The helicopter involved was a Robinson R22, which was the only one of its kind in the navy's fleet.
Following the crash, both officer pilots were immediately transported to the hospital. Despite efforts to save their lives, they succumbed to their injuries. The Philippine Navy expressed deep sorrow over the loss of their brave servicemen.
This unfortunate incident adds to a series of deadly training accidents that have occurred within the Philippine military in recent years. In January 2023, two Philippine Air Force pilots were killed when their Marchetti SF260 turboprop plane crashed into a rice field.
It is worth noting that in June 2021, the entire Black Hawk fleet of the military was temporarily grounded following a nighttime training accident, which resulted in the death of all six individuals on board.
The tragic helicopter crash serves as a solemn reminder of the risks faced by military personnel during training exercises. The authorities will undoubtedly conduct a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the accident and take measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.
這起不幸的事故是近年來菲律賓軍方發生的一系列致命訓練事故之一。在2023年1月,菲律賓空軍的兩名飛行員在他們的Marchetti SF260型渦輪螺旋槳飛機墜毀於一片稻田中時喪生。