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Doctors delivered the Palestinian baby after the mother killed in the strike

Doctors at the Emirati hospital in Rafah, Gaza, delivered a newborn girl on Saturday after her mother was killed in an Israeli strike Credit: Mohammed Salem/Reuters

Doctors in Gaza delivered a baby on Saturday from a Palestinian woman who had been killed alongside her husband and daughter in an Israeli strike in the city of Rafah, where more than one million people have fled during Israel’s war in Gaza.

The birth of the child was captured on video by a journalist from the Reuters news agency, who filmed doctors providing artificial respiration to her after she emerged pale, limp and seemingly lifeless from her mother, Sabreen al-Sakani.

“Here is the biggest tragedy: Even if this child survives she was born an orphan,” Dr. Mohammed Salama, the head of the neonatal intensive care unit at Al-Emirati Hospital in Rafah, told Reuters.

The baby was born 10 weeks premature and weighed three pounds, Dr. Salama told Reuters. Her mother was already dead when she was born, he said. Instead of a name, doctors wrote “the baby of the martyr Sabreen al-Sakani” on a piece of tape across her chest.

Rami al-Sheikh, the baby’s uncle, told a video journalist from Reuters that her older sister, Malak, had wanted to name her Rouh, the Arabic word for soul. Malak also died in the strike.

He said the family was “ordinary civilians.”

“My brother is a barber and used to work with me in the shop,” Mr. al-Sheikh said about the baby’s father. “They were happy people, and the little girl Malak was happy that her sister was coming into the world.”

The baby was in a perilous state after her birth, but now, aside from some respiratory problems, her condition is stable, Dr. Salama said. She will spend three to four weeks in the hospital, and then doctors will figure out whom to send the baby home with.

“Hopefully after her respiratory distress improves, she will need to be breastfed,” Dr. Salama said. “She has been denied everything — denied her mother, denied her milk. Some substitutions can be made, but nothing will ever replace her mother.”



路透社的一名記者用影片記錄了孩子的出生過程,影片中,她從母親薩布琳·薩卡尼(Sabreen al-Sakani) 身邊出來後,醫生對她進行了人工呼吸,孩子臉色蒼白、虛弱無力,看起來毫無生氣。


薩拉馬醫生告訴路透社,嬰兒早產了 10 週,體重為 3 磅。 他說,她出生時,她的母親已經去世了。 醫生在她胸前的膠帶上寫下了“烈士薩布林·薩卡尼的孩子”,而不是名字。

嬰兒的叔叔拉米·謝赫 (Rami al-Sheikh) 告訴路透社的視頻記者,她的姐姐馬拉克 (Malak) 想給她取名“Rouh”,阿拉伯語中“靈魂”的意思。 馬拉克也在罷工中喪生。


「我的兄弟是一名理髮師,以前和我一起在店裡工作,」謝赫先生談到嬰兒的父親時說道。 “他們都是快樂的人,小女孩馬拉克很高興她的妹妹來到這個世界。”

薩拉馬醫生說,嬰兒出生後一直處於危險狀態,但現在,除了一些呼吸道問題外,她的病情穩定。 她將在醫院住三到四個星期,然後醫生會決定讓誰送孩子回家。

「希望她的呼吸困難改善後,她將需要母乳喂養,」薩拉馬博士說。 「她的一切都被剝奪了——剝奪了她的母親,剝奪了她的牛奶。 可以做出一些替代,但沒有任何



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