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Destinations for the last-minute traveller, including "best flight deals"

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It is the time of year for year-end holidays, and as expected, travel prices are likely to be high. But don't worry! We have you covered with a handpicked selection of travel destinations near Singapore that are perfect for a spontaneous getaway without breaking the bank.

Taking into account factors like flight duration and ease of travel, here are our recommendations for the best last-minute holiday destinations.

Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh City offers more than just delicious pho and bahn mi sandwiches, although those are certainly amazing. This city, formerly known as Saigon, is a paradise for architecture enthusiasts, with its ancient temples, magnificent skyscrapers, and French colonial-style buildings. Some notable architectural highlights include the iconic Saigon Opera House, a stunning example of French influence; Thien Hau Pagoda, one of the city's oldest Chinese temples, and the Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon, built in a unique neo-Romanesque and Gothic style. To escape the city's hustle and bustle, you can visit Tao Dan Park or take a tour of the Mekong Delta to experience rural Vietnamese life.

Best flight deal: Malaysia Airlines offers return flights starting from $312.


Yangon, once a quiet city, has transformed into a vibrant mosaic of culture and history. The city's spiritual legacy is showcased by the iconic Shwedagon Pagoda, a magnificent golden masterpiece. Exploring Yangon will lead you to discover hidden gems such as the historic Bogyoke Aung San Market, where you can find traditional Burmese crafts, jewelry, antiques, and clothing. Take a leisurely stroll through downtown Yangon's colonial architecture, where every building tells a unique story. And don't forget to indulge in the city's best street food in Chinatown, where tables and chairs spill onto the streets, people enjoy beers, and the air is filled with the enticing aroma of grilled meats.

Best flight deal: Malaysia Airlines offers return flights starting from $268.

Hong Kong

Escape the heat by traveling to Hong Kong this season. While winters in Hong Kong are mild, with temperatures ranging from 15 to 20 degrees Celsius, it's a great opportunity to layer up and showcase your best outfits for Instagram. Look beyond the city's shiny neon lights, and you'll discover a wealth of sights and activities. Make sure to satisfy your appetite at food hotspots like Australia Dairy Company, known for its silky scrambled eggs and milk pudding; Maxim's Palace, famous for mouthwatering dim sum; Cheung Hing Kee, offering delicious pan-fried pork buns; and Kau Kee, serving exceptional beef brisket noodles. Spend a day shopping in Kowloon, from the bustling street vendors of Mong Kok district's Ladies Market to the luxurious malls lining the streets of Tsim Sha Tsui district. And for a memorable experience, hop on the Star Ferry to enjoy the iconic Hong Kong skyline, a concrete jungle rising from the mountains.

Best flight deal: Xiamen Airlines offers return flights starting from $377.


Yogyakarta is an ideal destination for a spontaneous weekend escape, as it's only a 2.5-hour flight away. This city is steeped in history and culture, making it perfect for history enthusiasts. Start your day by witnessing the sunrise at the UNESCO-listed Borobudur Temple. For night owls, a visit to the ancient marvels of Prambanan Temple is a must, where you can witness the sunset and conclude the evening with the enchanting Ramayana Ballet, a performance inspired by Hindu epics.

To experience a touch of royal history, explore the regal grandeur of the Kraton palace, the residence of the Sultan of Yogyakarta. The palace invites you to admire its elegant halls, rich displays of royal artifacts, and the beauty of traditional Javanese architecture. Yogyakarta is also a hub of creativity, with local galleries and workshops showcasing traditional Javanese crafts such as silver making and batik artistry.

Best flight deal: AirAsia offers return flights starting from $289.98.

Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, has something for everyone. History lovers can check off their list by visiting The Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda, two cultural gems that provide insight into Cambodia's regal history. Don't miss a visit to Phnom Penh's iconic Central Market, also known as Psar Thmei. Step inside the colossal yellow-domed structure and discover a labyrinth of stalls offering a diverse range of goods, from traditional Cambodian textiles and handicrafts to jewelry, electronics, and fresh produce. Food enthusiasts shouldn't miss out on trying Khmer cuisine, including dishes like fish amok (steamed coconut fish in banana leaves), twa ko (Cambodian sausage), and lok lak (stir-fried beef). Consider taking a food tour to explore the city's culinary delights.

Best flight deal: Malaysia Airlines offers return flights starting from $219.


正值年终假期,不出所料,旅游价格可能会很高。 但别担心! 我们为您精心挑选了新加坡附近的旅游目的地,这些目的地非常适合自发度假,而且无需花太多钱。



胡志明市提供的不仅仅是美味的河粉和 bahn mi 三明治,尽管它们确实令人惊叹。 这座城市原名西贡,是建筑爱好者的天堂,拥有古老的寺庙、宏伟的摩天大楼和法国殖民风格的建筑。 一些著名的建筑亮点包括标志性的西贡歌剧院,它是法国影响力的典范; 天后塔是该市最古老的中国寺庙之一,而西贡圣母大教堂则以独特的新罗马式和哥特式风格建造。 要逃离城市的喧嚣,您可以参观陶丹公园或游览湄公河三角洲,体验越南乡村生活。

最佳航班优惠:马来西亚航空提供往返航班,起价 312 美元。


仰光曾经是一座安静的城市,现已转变为充满活力的文化和历史的马赛克。 标志性的大金塔是一座宏伟的金色杰作,展示了这座城市的精神遗产。 探索仰光将带您发现隐藏的瑰宝,例如历史悠久的昂山市场,在那里您可以找到传统的缅甸工艺品、珠宝、古董和服装。 悠闲地漫步在仰光市中心的殖民时期建筑中,每座建筑都讲述着一个独特的故事。 不要忘记在唐人街尽情享受这座城市最好的街头美食,那里的桌椅遍布街道,人们享用啤酒,空气中弥漫着诱人的烤肉香气。

最佳航班优惠:马来西亚航空提供往返航班 268 美元起。


这个季节前往香港避暑。 虽然香港的冬季气候温和,气温在 15 至 20 摄氏度之间,但这是一个绝佳的机会,可以在 Instagram 上叠搭并展示您最好的服装。 超越城市闪亮的霓虹灯,您会发现丰富的景点和活动。 一定要到澳大利亚乳品公司 (Australia Dairy Company) 等美食热点满足您的胃口,该公司以其丝滑的炒鸡蛋和牛奶布丁而闻名; 美心皇宫,以令人垂涎欲滴的点心而闻名; 张兴记,提供美味的煎肉包; 和Kau Kee,提供优质的牛腩面。 在九龙度过一天的购物时光,从旺角区女人街熙熙攘攘的摊贩到尖沙咀区街道两旁的豪华购物中心。 如果想要获得难忘的体验,可以乘坐天星小轮欣赏标志性的香港天际线和从山上拔地而起的混凝土丛林。

最佳航班优惠:厦门航空提供往返航班 377 美元起。


日惹是周末休闲的理想目的地,因为只需 2.5 小时的飞行即可到达。 这座城市历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚,非常适合历史爱好者。 您可以在被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的婆罗浮屠寺欣赏日出来开始新的一天。 对于夜猫子来说,参观普兰巴南寺的古老奇迹是必去之地,在那里您可以欣赏日落,并以迷人的罗摩衍那芭蕾舞结束夜晚,这是一场受印度教史诗启发的表演。 要体验皇家历史,您可以探索日惹苏丹的住所科腾宫的富丽堂皇。 宫殿邀请您欣赏其优雅的大厅、丰富的皇家文物展示以及传统爪哇建筑的美丽。 日惹也是创意中心,当地的画廊和作坊展示传统爪哇手工艺,如银器制作和蜡染艺术。

最佳航班优惠:亚航提供往返航班,起价 289.98 美元。


金边是柬埔寨的首都,可以满足每个人的需求。 历史爱好者可以参观皇宫和银塔,这两个文化瑰宝可以让您深入了解柬埔寨的皇家历史。 不要错过参观金边标志性的中央市场,也称为 Psar Thmei。 走进巨大的黄色圆顶建筑,您会发现迷宫般的摊位,出售各种商品,从传统的柬埔寨纺织品和手工艺品到珠宝、电子产品和新鲜农产品。 美食爱好者不应错过尝试高棉美食,包括 Fish amok(香蕉叶蒸椰子鱼)、twa ko(柬埔寨香肠)和 lok lak(炒牛肉)等菜肴。 考虑参加美食之旅,探索这座城市的美食。

最佳航班优惠:马来西亚航空提供往返航班 219 美元起。


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