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Writer's pictureAfriHKa

Customs issues warning on increasing number of restricted foods brought to Hong Kong

Hong Kong customs authorities announced on Wednesday about the recent increase in the number of travellers from mainland China that bring into the city, the regulated food, stating that many people are not aware of the restrictions.

According to the statements on the Hong Kong Customs website, under the Imported Game, Meat, Poultry and Eggs Regulations, Cap. 132AK, any person who imports game, meat and poultry should obtain prior permission for importation from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) unless for imported meat and poultry accompanied by a valid health certificate issued by an issuing entity of the place of origin recognized by the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene.

Besides, no person shall import eggs into Hong Kong unless with a health certificate and/or written permission of a health officer of FEHD. An egg or its edible part that is fully cooked or constitutes one of the ingredients of any compounded food is excluded by the Regulations.

In respect of meat, poultry or eggs imported into Hong Kong, a transhipment certificate is required for the consignment which has been unloaded in a place outside Hong Kong in the course of being transshipped. Unless the consignment is imported into Hong Kong in sealed refrigerated containers where it is established to the satisfaction of a health officer that the seals of the containers have remained intact and have not been tampered with in any manner in the course of the journey from the place of origin to Hong Kong.

The report said about 800 people were caught bringing fresh meat into Hong Kong in the first eight months of this year, and over 350 people were found to be bringing in eggs, which are another restricted product.

The figures were reportedly double those recorded over the whole of 2023.

The Customs spokesperson, Jacqueline Lee said most of those caught did not attempt to conceal purchases they had made on the mainland.

“The public may have a misunderstanding about the requirement of the law, as well as the convenient transport, and the food price differences between the two places. We think all these are the main causes of the trend,” she said.

Lee added that most of the food illegally brought into Hong Kong was not chilled as it was being transported and it could therefore pose a health risk.

She said officers have stepped up enforcement at land borders.



根據香港海關網站的聲明,根據《進口野味、肉類、家禽及蛋類條例》第 1 章。 第132AK 條規定,任何進口野味、肉類及家禽的人士應事先獲得食物環境衛生署(食環署)的進口許可,除非進口肉類及家禽附有由認可的原產地發證機構發出的有效衛生證明書由食物環境衛生署署長負責。

此外,任何人除非持有健康證明書及/或食環署衛生人員的書面許可,否則不得將雞蛋輸入香港。 該條例排除了完全煮熟的雞蛋或其可食用部分或構成任何復合食品成分之一的雞蛋或其可食用部分。

進口香港的肉類、家禽或蛋類在轉運過程中在香港以外地方卸貨的貨物須提供轉運證明書。 除非該批貨物以密封的冷藏集裝箱進口到香港,並經衛生官員信納,集裝箱的封條保持完好,並且在從該地出發的旅程中沒有受到任何形式的篡改原產地為香港。


這些數字是 2023 年全年記錄的兩倍。


「民眾可能對法例的要求、以及兩地的便利交通和食品價格差異有誤解。 我們認為所有這些都是這一趨勢的主要原因,」她說。




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