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  • Writer's pictureAfriHKa

China makes visa applications for US tourists easier

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The Chinese embassy in Washington notified on its website on Friday to make the applications for Chinese visas for US tourists simpler by removing some documents required starting from the first day of next year.

The embassy announced that US tourist visa applicants will not be required to submit air ticket bookings, hotel reservations or an invitation letter.

This is the recent effort made by Beijing to boost the country's dragging economy after COVID-19 by enticing more foreign visitors.

Earlier, the Chinese government gave passport holders from France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Malaysia to visit the country without visas starting from the 1st of December. Visa-free treatment will run for 12 months, during which tourists from those six countries can visit China for up to 15 days.

China also expanded its visa-free transit policy to 54 countries in November.





這是北京最近為吸引更多外國遊客來提振中國在 COVID-19 疫情後低迷的經濟而做出的努力。

此前,中國政府自12月1日起允許法國、德國、義大利、荷蘭、西班牙和馬來西亞護照持有者免簽入境。 免簽待遇有效期為12個月,在此期間,這6個國家的遊客可前往中國停留最多15天。



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