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  • Writer's pictureAfriHKa

Charity organisation in Hong Kong says richest residents in the city earn 81.9 times more than poorest ones

More than 1.39 million people were living in poverty in the first quarter of this year, a rate of 20.2 per cent, Oxfam says. File photo: AfriHKanews

Oxfam Hong Kong has revealed that the city's richest residents are earning 81.9 times more than its poorest residents, study showed that the difference is up from 52.7 times last year, indicating a further increase in the city’s wealth gap.

The local branch of an international charity in the city released on Wednesday showed that more than 1.39 million people were living in poverty in the first quarter of this year, a rate of 20.2 per cent.

The report said, level was higher than the 19.5 per cent recorded last year and the pre-pandemic figure of 18.3 per cent in 2019.

The charity attributed the worsening wealth inequality to the city’s rapidly ageing population and an increasing number of financially struggling elderly residents.

The organisation urged authorities to step up support for them through targeted poverty alleviation policies and help such residents return to the workforce.

“The population ageing and elderly poverty have become more serious, especially those households with elderly people living alone or only with their spouses,” said Kalina Tsang Ka-wai, director general of Oxfam Hong Kong.

“The figures have sounded the alarm. We hope the chief executive can step up efforts in terms of poverty alleviation policies.”

The organisation set the poverty line at half the median household income, the same as the one used by authorities before the current administration stopped using it.

Analysing official data between 2019 and the first quarter of this year, the charity found that the median monthly income of the poorest 10 per cent of households stood at HK$1,600 (US$200) in the first three months of this year, down by 54.3 per cent from the overall figure for 2019.

According to the findings, the wealthiest 10 per cent of households earned a median monthly income of HK$131,100 over the same period, up by 9.3 per cent from 2019.

Also, the richest earned 81.9 times more than the poorest, up from 52.7 times last year and 34.3 times in 2019.




報告稱,這一水準高於去年的 19.5% 和 2019 年疫情前的 18.3%。




「這些數字敲響了警鐘。 希望行政長官能夠加大扶貧政策力度。


該慈善機構分析 2019 年至今年第一季的官方數據發現,今年前三個月最貧窮 10% 家庭的月收入中位數為 1,600 港元(200 美元),年減 54.3%。的總體數字少了100%。




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