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  • Writer's pictureAfriHKa

A bikini company outraged the netizens for using male models to promote women's bathing suit

A swimsuit company owned by an Australian body-positivity influencer's latest advertisement of its bikini products online has outraged many internet users as male models used to promote a women’s bathing suit.

The company known as Moana Bikini, owned by Karina Irby shared an Instagram video on Saturday of male model Jake Young posing in a lacy one-piece bathing suit worth $99.

Moana Bikini's promotion was shared in the Instagram video showing male model Jake Young. Photo: Instagram.

The video posted was captioned as “OBSESSED WITH THIS LOOK,” with a heart-eyes emoji, noting that Young was wearing a size small.

However, in the posted video comment section, many had condemned the acts and said they would unfollow the company for the outrageous video, while others hit out at the brand for using a male to sell women’s swimwear.

A netizen commented “Is that a man? I thought you were about empowering women?”

“Men seem to be trying to take over everything women hold sacred. Our safe spaces, our identity and now our fashion.” it was added.

Another netizen wrote, “Sorry but Moana, this is not how you empower women". “This is once again giving men the power over us and saying they do it better".

The male model Jake Young posing in a Moana bikini . Photo: Instagram

A third said the video was “bad advertising if the target audience is women.

“A man wearing a piece designed for women… not going to make most women want to buy it.”

On the other hand, some have defended the company for its “dedication to inclusivity.”

“Thank you for always being inclusive in your sizing and models!” one user wrote. “Number one reason I will always support your brand!”

Young also defended his modelling gig, writing: “There are many different types of women. Women with different anatomy to what you consider ‘normal.’

“I am not a woman nor have I ever claimed to be. This post is simply empowering a minority and I’m forever grateful for that, it was written in the comment.

“Your hate is a reflection of your own insecurities, not mine.”

The company itself told critics: “If Jake in our bikini upsets you that much we feel as though this may be a ‘you’ problem.”

Karina Irby  body positivity influencer is the owner of Moana Bikini swim suit company. Photo: Instagram/Irby

It later explained, “We find it quite absurd that people would cherry-pick this one individual post from our 13 years of business to make a wild statement about us not being empowering to women.

A spokesperson for the company told the Daily Mail, "Moana Bikini are — and have always been — one of the most inclusive and empowering brands in existence. This is not only in terms of our size and style range for women but — most importantly — in our love and acceptance of all races, ethnicities, body shapes and sizes, genders and sexual orientations. "

“This hasn’t changed and never will change.

“Many commenters are using the excuse that they believe it is ‘insulting to women’ when in reality, it’s quite clear they are homophobic and have an issue with someone expressing their sexuality proudly and confidently,” the spokesperson continued.

“We’re happy to receive and hear people’s feedback — both negative and positive. But we’re not here to please everyone. That’s an impossible task.

“If people aren’t happy with this individual post of a proud gay man wearing a piece of clothing he feels confident in, they can just keep scrolling or unfollow, can’t they?”

Finally said, “Imagine living a life where you choose to be offended by something and stick around, comment and engage only to make yourself more and more angry".

“This sounds like a ‘them’ problem, not an ‘us’ problem to be honest.” it was added.



卡琳娜·厄比(Karina Irby) 旗下的Moana Bikini 公司週六在Instagram 上分享了一段視頻,視頻中男模特傑克·楊(Jake Young) 穿著一件價值99 美元的蕾絲連體泳衣擺出姿勢。



有網友評論道:「這是男的嗎? 我以為你是在致力於賦予女性權力?”

「男人似乎試圖接管女人認為神聖的一切。 我們的安全空間、我們的身份以及現在我們的時尚。” 它被添加了。

另一位網友寫道:「抱歉,莫阿娜,這不是賦予女性權力的方式。」「這再次賦予男性凌駕於我們之上的力量,並說他們做得更好」。 寫道。




“感謝您始終包容您的尺寸和型號!” 一位用戶寫道。 “我將永遠支持你的品牌的首要原因!”

楊也為自己的模特兒生涯辯護,寫道:「女性有很多不同類型。 女性的解剖結構與您認為的「正常」不同。

「我不是女人,我也從未聲稱自己是女人。 這篇文章只是賦予了少數人權力,我永遠對此表示感激,這是在評論中寫的。



它後來解釋說:「我們發現人們從我們 13 年的業務中挑選出這篇單獨的帖子來發表關於我們沒有賦予女性權力的瘋狂聲明,這是非常荒謬的。




「我們很高興收到和聽到人們的回饋——無論是消極的還是積極的。 但我們來這裡並不是為了取悅所有人。 這是一項不可能的任務。



“說實話,這聽起來像是‘他們’的問題,而不是‘我們’的問題。” 它被添加了。


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