The Department of Health in Hong Kong (Centre for Health Protection) announced the investigation of a confirmed case of Monkeypox in the city. The department has advised the public to be observant and keep away from having physical contact with any suspicious person contracting the virus.
The case came to light after a 44-year-old man tested positive for the virus. It was reported that he got a skin ulcer on the 7th of May and visited Yau Ma Tei Male Social Hygiene Clinic on the 9th of May. Eventually, the CHP's Public Health Laboratory Services Branch confirmed that his samples tested positive for the virus on 10th May. He was admitted to Princess Margaret Hospital and his condition is said to be stable. He has been given two doses of the Monkeypox vaccine.
After conducting a preliminary investigation, the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) has pointed out that this confirmed Monkeypox case could be a locally acquired infection as no source of the infection is yet to be identified earlier in Hong Kong. The Centre for Health Protection's epidemiological investigations are ongoing, including contact tracing and infection source investigation.
The CHP has put up a telephone hotline (2125 2373) in response to recent locally acquired cases involving men who have sex with men conducting high-risk sexual practices.
The CHP has let the public know that Monkeypox is not transmitted through respiratory droplets or aerosols in general. It cannot be transmitted through social contact and proper personal and hand hygiene should be observed regularly to prevent getting infected through personal contact.
香港衛生署(衛生防護中心)宣布對該市一宗猴痘確診個案展開調查。 該部門已建議公眾保持警惕,避免與任何感染該病毒的可疑人員有身體接觸。
這起案件是在一名 44 歲男子病毒檢測呈陽性後曝光的。 據報,他於5月7日患上皮膚潰瘍,並於5月9日到油麻地男性社會衛生科診所就診。 最後,衛生防護中心公共衛生化驗服務處證實,他的樣本於 5 月 10 日檢測出病毒呈陽性。 他被送往瑪格麗特公主醫院,據說他的病情穩定。 他已經接種了兩劑 Monkeypx 疫苗。
衛生防護中心(衛生防護中心)初步調查後指出,這宗猴痘確診個案可能是本地感染,因為早前香港尚未確定感染源頭。 衛生防護中心的流行病學調查正在進行中,包括接觸者追踪和感染源調查。
衛生防護中心已設立電話熱線(2125 2373),以回應近期在本地發生的涉及男男性接觸者進行高風險性行為的個案。
衛生防護中心已告知市民,猴痘一般不會透過呼吸道飛沫或氣溶膠傳播。 它不能通過社交接觸傳播,應定期保持適當的個人和手部衛生,以防止通過個人接觸感染。