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Hong Kong senior official announced on Wednesday that 4,682 eligible applicants between October 25 and January 8 for the Newborn Baby Bonus will receive one-time HK$20,000 cash incentives each towards the end of February as he called upon the society to reverse the city’s declining birth rates.
Last year, the government announced it would provide a one-off cash allowance of $20,000 as a financial incentive to eligible parents for each baby born on or after 25 October 2023 in Hong Kong to boost the birth rate in society. It was reported that the initiative will be implemented for 3 years.
According to the report, Hong Kong’s total fertility rate, the number of children a woman is expected to have in her lifetime has plunged to 0.8, the lowest worldwide.
A 40 per cent decline in the number of babies was also registered over four years, going from 52,900 in 2019 to 32,500 in 2022.
The government is planning for HK$2.29 billion in non-recurrent funding for the three-year program, which could support up to 114,300 births in total, or 38,100 babies per year.
In the 2024-25 financial year, births are expected to increase by 20% compared with 2022, to around 39,000 births per year, the report says.
香港高級官員週三宣布,在 10 月 25 日至 1 月 8 日期間註冊新生兒獎金的 4,682 名合資格申請人將在 2 月底前獲得一次性 20,000 港元現金獎勵,他呼籲社會扭轉香港的頹勢。出生率。
去年,政府宣布將為2023年10月25日或之後在香港出生的每名嬰兒提供一次性2萬元現金津貼,作為經濟獎勵,向合資格的父母提供經濟獎勵,以提高社會出生率。 據悉,該措施將實施3年。
四年來,嬰兒數量也下降了 40%,從 2019 年的 52,900 人減少到 2022 年的 32,500 人。
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